Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge: K is for Komodo Dragon

 We went with a smaller dragon for D let's go with the largest lizard for K. The Komodo Dragon can reach 10 feet in length and weigh 150lbs. 

Here is a clip from a BBC "Special Deadly 60"

These giant lizards were called "Land Crocodiles" by the locals. In the wild they feed mainlyon local deer species and carrion. 


Arlee Bird said...

I've always been fascinated by these reptiles, but I don't think I'd want to encounter one on the loose unless it was from a safe distance.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Anne E.G. Nydam said...

They are cool, but definitely scary - being komodo prey would be a very bad way to go!
Black and White: K for Kitezh

Liz A. said...

Very cool. I have a respect and a fear of these creatures.

Lisa said...

They are amazing, aren't they? At a nature center near where I grew up, for some reason they had a taxidermied one. It was the most popular thing there! When they re-did the center for natives they got rid of it, naturally! I don't know where it ended up. All the other displays with native animals are from road kill or natural causes. Sounds icky, but at least they are being used educationally.

John Holton said...

Big fella, ain't he?

Birgit said...

My friend, who swam with the turtle also went to Komodo Island to see these lizards up close. Of course, he is an idiot on occasion and decided to get a little close...just to see and a large one saw him and started walking, quite quickly, towards him so my friend back away slowly. He got a little too close as he was told by the guide.

CAAC said...


The Komodo Dragon is a fascinating creature. They live to be quite old and are surprisingly fast runners.

Kiss Me Cat Looney Tunes A-Z Art Sketch