Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A to Z Challenge 2016: Jacksonville Bound

Tonight I will be heading out on  a six hour trip to Jacksonville, Florida. I should go there more often but I rarely get two days off in a row, so 12 hours in a car is a little tough. My parents and a good friend both live outside Jacksonville so that is the appeal of visiting. Yes they both hit me up to visit.

Well my friend hit me up to visit because he had an extra ticket to the Pearl Jam concert. Apparently a buddy had backed out on him. He and my parents had asked me if I was going to Saint Augustine to see Robert Plant last month which opted t see Robert Plant closer to home.

I wouldn't be a very good friend if I always said no. Plus it will give me some time for a little visit with my parents. So my schedule will consist of work and a six hour drive literally in the middle of the night. Wednesday I will visit wit my parents see the show. The Pearl Jam concert should be neat since they have never played that city before. Thursday morning I will head out way too early on a six hour journey to go back to work. Pretty insane if I may say so myself.

How far have you travelled for a concert? What is the craziest trip you have gone on? Feel free to share in the comments.


Jeffrey Scott said...

My craziest trip was to Paris. I went for one day and I visit three different tourist attractions. The Louvre, The Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triumphe. It was crazy! To make matters worse, I was originally barred from entering France, but that's another story.

Robin said...

You're visiting my home and I'm not there! Oh well. The drivers are crazy in Jax, so be careful.

Liz A. said...

Safe travels. The farthest I've gone for a concert is just up to LA, so not far. I'm not a big concert goer. Too loud. Too many people.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Mike!

I visited St. Augustine a couple of times in my life but haven't been to Jax. I hope you enjoy Pearl Jam. I wish you a safe trip over and back. Make sure you pull off at a rest stop and snooze if you get sleepy on the way.

Unknown said...

Drive carefully.

Mary B said...

Jealous that you get to see both Pearl Jam and Robert Plant.
The furthest I've traveled for a concert was when I lived in Idaho. Foreigner played Pocatello. It was rare to have a popular band play in South Eastern Idaho, as most bands opted for Boise when and if they came. I was living in central Idaho at the time, so the trip was about 3 hours each direction.

#AtoZChallenge J is for Jewel

dysfunctionalmind said...

Haven't been to any concert yet. I know. I should probably go die... but I'm not much of the crazy headbanging type. Maybe for a band I love and with the right circle of friends, I would love to head to one someday. Your post reinforces the idea.
[@samantha_rjsdr] from
Whimsical Compass

Michele at Angels Bark said...

That is going to be quite the trek. But fun! Be careful driving -- there's a lot of crazy people out there!
Enjoy the show. Hopefully you'll do a post about your experience there...

Michele at Angels Bark