Monday, September 21, 2020

Monday's Music Moves Me: Hurricane Songs

 Today's theme on Monday's Music Moves Me is a freebie and I am going to go with a Hurricane Theme.  Just to fill everyone my area was hit by a category two hurricane. I rode the storm out. The flooding was quick to recede at my house and the storm left plenty to clean up in the yard. I am blessed the house wasn't damaged or my truck. I just got power back yesterday after five days. 

Neil Young "Like a Hurricane"

Bob Dylan "Hurricane"

Jimmy Buffett and Kenny Chesney  "Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season"

Anyway it is nice to have power and to be blogging again!


CAAC said...


Great theme with the hurricane season still a threat. Thankfully, we live far away from the ocean for any of these storms to be much problem. Often we get the rain but with Sally not much at all. We did get some lovely cooler temps which you'll never hear me complaining about in the summer but that being said this is the last day of summer. Thanks for sharing the dance floor with the 4M gang. Have a safe and boogietastic week, my friend!

Arlee Bird said...

Good to hear you've gotten past the worst of your hurricane. Being without power can be a real bummer--especially for several days.

"Like a Hurricane" is one of my favorite Young songs. I really like the version that Jay Farrar does.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

songbird's crazy world said...

I love the Buffett song

csuhpat1 said...

A great theme and great songs. Loved them

John Holton said...

Great set! I nver gave much thought to "hurricane" songs.

Alana said...

What an amazing (not in a good way) hurricane season it has been - five storms at once, and now we're into the Greek alphabet! I'm happy you got your power back - I only lived two years of my life in hurricane country and that was quite enough for me. My husband loves the Hurricane Carter song and we have it on my computer. I knew the Neil Young song but not the Buffett/Chesney song - nice selection for a not so nice topic.