Saturday, April 6, 2019

Blogging A to Z: F is for Family

Family goes well with my theme. My theme is about my Mom and my Mom is family.

On my Mom's side of the family I'm not very close. The reason many miles and money being the primary reasons. Though through technology I have been able to connect with some. 


Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Family is always family, near or far. Ours is spread all over so we are lucky to be able to rely on cell and internet to stay up to date. This is my first visit for AtoZ. I like your blog site, the music videos and the colorful photos. One week down!
F is for: Funeral Linen Weaving, a very short story.

Heather Erickson said...

It's been fun to see so many music videos this year in A to Z. My family is the best. We are going through some tough stuff right now because my husband just went on hospice due to terminal cancer. The whole family has been so supportive throughout the past 7 years. I know they will continue to be there. Tha't what family does for one another in the tough times and the good. Financial Help to Avoid Burnout

Susan Scott said...

I love that Percy Sledge song! A loving Family is fabulous, thanks Mike ..

Deborah Weber said...

Fun video to choose for "family." My blood family is very small, but I married into a large one. I'm very accepting of the idea of family-of-choice and trust that way we can all receive the love and support we need to both receive and offer.

Birgit said...

Love that song! My mom's family was in Europe mainly but I felt close to my Oma. My dad's my dad said himself, "There's amean streak that runs through my family so becareful." My dad was a good man, My one Uncle was as well but he died when he was only 54. My Auntie Annie was a special lady but the rest...I agree with my dad.

CAAC said...


Family is important. It's too bad that sometimes family is the one that treats each other so horrible. I love this song! Thanks for playing visiting over the weekend, my friend!

A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch series 'Flounder'

Heather Erickson said...

Great song! I'm so thankful for family, especially the wonderful family I married into. They are always there for us, and we are there for them. F is for: Fast Forward into the Future