Monday, April 15, 2019

Blogging from A to Z: Mother's Little Helper and a Battle of the Bands

My Mother has reached that age where she needs a little help, and can use all the Little Helpers she can get. I'm still keeping with my theme and I am multitasking this one into a Battle of the Bands as well!

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary blogging from A to Z challenge letter M

I am using the classic Rolling Stones tune "Mother's Little Helper" as the song. I am not going to post the original this time.

Contestant One: Eric McFadden

Contestant Two: Liz Phair

Tell me which version you like best in the comments. I will count up the votes and announce a winner  before The Rolling Stones reschedule their postponed tour. Yes, I have a ticket to see them in Jacksonville. The plan was to visit my Mom and see the Stones. That's life for you it changes plans. However, I will have the results probably on the 28th.


Arlee Bird said...

I hadn't heard this song in many years. I'm almost surprised that it's been covered. I remember when the Stones came out with this and it was so controversial. Now it's the norm.

I liked Liz just fine, but Eric McFadden's version was especially fun and totally works in my mind. A vote for Eric McFadden.

Nice battle!

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Debbie D. said...

Interesting match up! ☺ Eric McFadden was more bluegrass and I preferred Liz Phair's version. She didn't deviate much from the original.

Birgit said...

Although Eric’s voice got to me a bit I liked it more than the second. Hers was good but nothing unique and I loved the mandolin(??) used in the first one so my vote goes to Eric.

Cherdo said...

I'm going to go with LIZ PHAIR but I'll admit, I really like Eric's unique spin on it. kinda Tom Waits-ish.

CAAC said...


I can't say I know this song, so I'm going into this with no opinion. Listening to both covers, I think I'm going to give my vote to Liz Phair. Happy a2zing!

A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch “Max’

Hit the 4M dance floor with me & cast your vote in the mid-month BoTB showdown

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

Howdy, MIKE ~

Eric McFadden all the way for me! It sounded more like comedy relief, which I think is appropriate. This isn't a song that should be approached too seriously, which Liz seemed to do. Plus, I hated her voice. Wow! She was grating on my last nerve. If she were my sister and we grew up together, I'm sure I would have hit her a lot while we were in elementary school.

Speaking of drugs... Mike, have you ever watched the old 'Batman' TV episodes from '66 & '67 after having ingested some "Cheech y Chong"? Man, that's what that show was designed for. Ain't nuttin' funnier than *THAT*!

~ D-FensDogG

Mary B said...

I'm going to vote for Eric McFadden. It was more fun to listen to.

aisasami said...

I like Liz's version the best.It is better suited for her voice.