Thursday, August 1, 2024

Battle of the Bands: Back Where I Come From

 Last Saturday night I saw Mac McAnnally perfom a special show in Gulfport, Mississippi. Tonight I see him again with The Coral Reefer Band which starts a three city tour in Orange Beach, Alabama. Anyway it is summer rime and the first one without Jimmy Buffett in a long dang time.  We will pit Kenny Chesney who had a hit with this one and Mac's late boss and friend Jimmy Buffett. 

Contender One...Kenny

Contender Two: Jimmy Buffett

Tell me who gets your vote I will post the results in a week or two. In the maintime enjoy your summer and fins up!


John Holton said...

I'm going with Kenny Chesney. He sounds better doing it.

Debbie D. said...

I don't know this song. Both covers were good but I prefer Kenny Chesney's version. He put more emotion into it. Happy August! ☀️

Arlee Bird said...

Jimmy Buffett did a fine job, but my vote goes to Kenny Chesney. I liked the East Tennessee references especially.


Birgit said...

I must go with Jimmy Buffett who just makes this song a little less country for me:)

Debbie D. said...

Looks like Kenny Chesney wins! ☺

boromax said...


Enjoyed all the versions, but Kenny's just seemed fresher and stronger. ~Ed.

dolorah said...

It is sad Jimmy Buffet is gone - he will be missed in the musical world. I have to give my vote to Kenny on this one though. Not just cuz I like him better than Jimmy, but also Jimmy seemed to need a lot of back up help singing this. Tough to get old, and I'm proof of that.