Storms to the left Irma and storms to the right Harvey plus some showers have me thinking of the classic song "When the Levee Breaks" made famous by Led Zeppelin. It is on the famous fourth album. It rocks, I heard it once at a rain delay at a baseball stadium and the drums really came through. I'm avoiding that version.
Contender One: The Original Kansas Joe McCoy and Memphis Minnie
Contender Two: Alison Krauss
Vote for the one you like the best in the comments and I will be back in a week or so with results. If you are looking for more battles check the master list here. I'll be back with a new post soon.
I liked the old blues sound of McCoy and Minnie, but it got into a bit of a rut of sameness after a while. I liked the texture of Krauss's arrangement and I prefer her vocals. It was dreamy and hypnotic. Just the thing I need before bedtime.
A vote for Allison Krauss.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Alison Krauss is one of my favorite singers. No surprise that she gets my vote on this one.
Really tragic video images, MIKE.
I liked both renditions well. Alison is bound to win this easily due to the more modern sound, but I cut my teeth on that old Country Blues style and it still sounds great to me. So I'll vote for the first recording.
~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'
Sorry, the Alison Krauss version just seemed disjointed. I'll go with Kansas Joe McCoy and Memphis Minnie.
McCoy and Minnie made me tired listening to them. I much preferred the laid back sound of Alison Krauss. My vote goes to her.
The first contender is new-to-me. McCoy and Memphis Minnie didn't set the mood of the song title. It seemed too happy sounding. The tempo is way too fast. I don't believe I've heard the original, so my ears are not swayed by it. I preferred Alison Krauss' slower, bluesy style with this song. Please give my vote to Alison Krauss. Good battle!
I. Can't. Not. Vote. For. Alison. Krause.
(She has some strange fiddlin' power over me). Great match up!
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