Friday, March 31, 2017

A to Z Challenge: Amazing Grace Battle of the Bands

Welcome to my blog. This is my first entry for The 2017 A to Z Challenge. April 1st is also a day I normally would post my Battle of the Bands post. Today I am fusing them all into one post.

This time around the song I am going to use is "Amazing Grace." Usually for my Battles of the Bands post I would insert a version of the original song or a well known version for a reference point. I am going to forego that on this post since the tune is one of the most recognizable hymns in the Christian faith.

How it works: I post two versions of the songs. You listen to the songs and let me know which one you thought was the best in the comments. I count up the votes and announce a winner at a later day which will be Sunday, April 9. Adjusting the result the day due to the A to Z Blogging Challenge.

2017 Participation Badge!

Contestant One: Celtic Woman

Contestant Two: Charlotte Church

If you are interesting in visiting other Battles or interested in the Battle of the Bands please visit this site for the complete list and more information.

Please vote in the comments. I'll be back with the results on the 9th. I will have my A to Z Challenge post on Monday, April 3.


Jz said...

Of these two, I'm going to vote for Charlotte. :-)

Arlee Bird said...

Beautiful song done by so many. These two versions are both lovely. Of the two I'm going to lay down my vote for the Celtic Woman-nice production.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Cathy Kennedy said...

Mike, Two extremely beautiful renditions of my favorite hymnal. I'm giving my vote to Celtic Woman. They sound like a chorus of angels when they sing! Speaking of angels, if y'all like 'em and I don't know anyone who doesn't then I invite you to stop in to see #AprilA2Z Art Sketching Through the Alphabet Letter "A" +#BoTB!

Mary B said...

Great song choice and excellent kick-start to the Challenge! I'm giving my vote to Charlotte.

#AtoZChallenge #BOTB 1970's Billboard Hits - A is for...

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The bag pipes gets my vote. I have Scottish heritage.

I'm blogging about thebabyboom years and Baby boomers.
Atomic Bombs

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

WOW! Kudos, MIKE. I think this was one of your best Battles ever. Great song choice and two great renditions of it.

A lot of times I prefer choral groups to solo singers and after listening to Celtic Woman I thought they had my vote in the bag. They were excellent.

But then CHARLOTTE came along and stole their vote from 'em. Dang! That gal can sing! And I think maybe, because 'Amazing Grace' is such an emotionally powerful and PERSONAL statement, it might be better suited for a solo voice than a choral group.

This was a tough vote for me. Nicely done, Brother!

~ D-FensDogG
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Birgit said...

I love this song and a great way to start off the A to Z. I am having a tough time choosing which one I prefer because I would listen to both...sigh.....ok I go with Charlotte Church..her pure voice is just serene. I don't care who wins with this BOTB:)

Robin said...

I really liked the rendering by Celtic Woman better. They get my vote!

Anonymous said...

I can't choose. They are both gifts from heaven.

Anonymous said...

I can't choose. They are both gifts from heaven.