Saturday, August 15, 2020

Battle of the Bands: The Messiah Will Come Again

 If you don't like long, guitar tunes you might want to skip my battle this time around.  If you can only listen to one, listen to the one by the original artist it is a masterpiece.  Now if you like long guitar pieces you have found the right battle. The tune is from Roy Buchanan who died on August 14, 1988.  If you can make it through the tunes please vote in the comments.

Roy's version:

Alright you vote for the one you like between the two contenders.

Contender One: Henrik Freischlader

Contender Two: Gary Moore

A song by one of the best guitarists you might not of heard of with his song performed by someone famous and a lesser known artist. Enjoy the battle see you soon!


John Holton said...

As I was listening to Roy Buchanan (who I've familiar with since the '70's), I thought, "Didn't he commit suicide? No wait, that was Danny Gatton." Then I checked and learned they both had taken their own lives. How sad...

Anyway, both Henrik Freischlader and Gary Moore did a great cover of the song. I'll go with Henrik, because I ended up flipping a coin and he won.

Arlee Bird said...

Though I'm familiar with Roy Buchanan, I'm not very familiar with his music. This song--new to me--is excellent.

Choosing between the covers is a bit of a task without listening several times and even then to me one would still probably sound pretty much like the other. But from my cursory listening of the two--and actually I probably spent more time comparatively listening than I usually do with Battles--I'm leaning toward Garry Moore's version. Maybe there is a greater subtlety to it or smoothness likely due to the fact that it is a studio recording rather than live. Both are excellent, but I'll give my vote to Garry.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

CAAC said...


I'm not one for long songs period. I'm not familiar with this song or the artists but I gave the two contenders enough of my attention to make a decision on what I liked. Now, don't ask me any particulars because I can't tell ya. All I can say is Henrik Freischlader grabbed me the best. Not that Garry's version was bad, it just didn't click exactly right with me. Good battle! Come by when you can to vote in mine!

Stephen T. McCarthy said...


I was already familiar with the original recording by Roy and also the cover by Moore. I don't recall having heard of Henrik Freischlader before.

Personally, I feel that a song titled 'The Messiah Will Come Again' needs lyrics in which to convey that fact. (I believe The Messiah certainly will return, and based on my 26 or 27 years of intensive Bible study, I say He will return again in 2029, give or take a year.)

Nevertheless, although I liked Henrik's version, I feel that it sounded a bit too Santana-like in tone, while Moore's take on the song added some tonal muscularity; there was a grungier style to it. Moore sounded "mo-o-re" like the Book of 'Revelation' to me - he exhibited greater power - and everyone who knows The Bible knows that when Jesus returns the next time (best guess: 2029), He is NOT coming as the meek Lamb, but as the conquering King sent by God Himself! There will be NO QUESTION Who is in full charge of the universe when our Messiah returns (2029, I'm looking at YOU!)

Obviously, my bote is GARY MOORE.

Guest BOTB Boter: Judge Al Bondigas (my brother)
After more than two decades in Phoenix, the judge has left Airheadzona and now lives here with me in Willoughberry. Judge Al is also contributing a bote for GARY MOORE.

So, count that as "Moore", and more "Moore".

~ D-FensDogG

Birgit said...

I had to go to YouTube to listen to both and I really enjoy the nuances of Gary Moore so he is my choice

Sixgun McItchyfinger said...

I think McCarthy is pulling a fast one and voting for Judge Al without his knowledge! I want to call in the Postmaster General for an investigation!

Great, great artists. I thought both the contenders did a better job with the song than the originator, not something that I usually conclude with most songs. This was truly hard to pick for me. I love Moore already, and his version has some great subtle nuances, especially at 5:30 for about 30 seconds is VERY creative. But I am going to vote Henrik by the very slightest of margins. Good battle!