Sometimes things are missed in translation on a blog. There is no wink, twinkle of the eye or facial expression. I participate in the Battle of the Bands because it is fun. I enjoy it. I'm happy with it. It looks like most participants are changing to once a month on the 15th. Cool! I'll give it a whirl. It is a change and was one of many going on in my world which led to my choice of song on the 15th.
Onto the results. My battle featured three musical icons Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, and Billy Joel. Dylan gets covered quite a bit and I think I picked a song that hasn't been covered by everyone. I liked stripping the Battle down to just Bruce versus Billy.
Billy Joel ran away with this Battle winning 6 to 0.
Let's celebrate "Uptown Girl"
"It's Still Rock N Roll to Me"
"River Dreams"
Hope you enjoyed! I'll be back mid-month for a new Battle of the Bands. Stay tuned to see what else turns up.