Monday, May 8, 2017

Battle of the Bands Results: Friday I'm in Love with these Results

Every vote counts in the Battle of the Bands. Yo Le Tengo raced out to an early three nothing lead. After putting this battle together I spent way too much time listening to Yo Le Tengo which I enjoyed!

However, Natalie Imbruglia rallied back earning the next three votes. We were looking at a tie until May 6th. Boom! Birgit at BB Creations, came through with the winning vote for...


My voters were "Torn"...

Don't get the "Wrong Impression"..

It could all be a "Big Mistake"...

Stayed tune the next battle is coming up May 15.


CAAC said...


Close race to end! Unfortunately, my pick didn't win but Natalie Imbruglia isn't some nice eye and ear candy so no complaints here. :D Good battle!

~Curious as a Cathy
Singers/Mewsicians Celebrating Birthday Today

Arlee Bird said...

Well, as I said in my vote comment I was back and forth on this pairing so either win was fine with me. I liked both versions.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out