Friday, August 2, 2019

Battle of the Bands: A Case of You

           Joni Mitchell songwriter, musician extraordinaire gives us the song this time around. "I Could Drink A Case of You."  Lets pit a jazz musician versus Prince.

The song for your enjoyment. Joni Mitchell 1'A case of You"

Contestant One: Diana Krall

Contestant Two: Prince

Okay this came out a little later. You know the deal pick the one you like and tell me with your comments. I pick a winner later. Diana or Prince. Two pianos, tow voices, one great song, two different versions.


  1. This song doesn't ring a memory bell with me, but it might be because the song doesn't really grab me that much. Not too much of a fan of either version though each are well executed. Between the two I'm going to have to go with Prince--just more interesting things going on in that version.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Primarily by default, I'm voting for PRINCE. Because Diana Krall sounded like she was just doodling on the piano while singing her grocery list.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  3. You want to know what is odd? Diana Krall sounds like a man singing, and Prince's falsetto has him sounding female.

    Both pretty much put me to sleep, but Prince's version held my attention longer. Therefore, I am voting for Prince.


  4. I can’t stand Diana Krall and her voice does seem to crawl like some dreary, drippy insects...yeah I’m all for wild ass dreamy imagery. I vote for Prince which was more interesting and I likes the instruments better in this too.

  5. You know, I don't remember this tune at all...and I'm surprised! I like all these artists!

    But today, Prince gets my vote. Good battle, Mike!
