Monday, July 15, 2019

Battle of the Bands: Flight of th Bumblebee

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov composed "Flight of the Bumblebee" for his opera  The Tale of Tsar Sultan.  I am using the piece for my Battle of the Bands. I'm switching gears to a different genre like I often do but I will be throwing in twists as well.

Contestant One: Jennifer Batton

Contestant Two: Gisha & Jerome

Contestant Three: Peter Luha

Three versions but the piece is short. Vote for the one you like the best in the comments! I will count them up and announce the winner in a week or so. Enjoy and I will be back soon!


  1. Tough choice, as they were all good and brought something new and interesting to the piece. Jennifer Batten had a little more dramatic flair, so I'll vote for her.

  2. Although I understand that this is essentially a novelty piece that is intended to showcase instrumental virtuosity, I find the song to be somewhat annoying. I've never particularly liked it and associate it with cartoons and novelty acts.

    All three artists are quite good, but I prefer the subtlety and expertise of the duo Gisha and Jerome. They do a very nice job with the song without being overly ostentatious.


  3. Peter Luna gets my vote because I like his sound the best. I almost went with the first one which was also engaging and she is one brave lass to be covered in bees! The last, surprisingly for me, is the 2 classical guitarists. They are excellent in their delivering but I didn’t care for the plucking sound.

  4. Tough choice! But Peter Luha gets my vote.

  5. Too bad you didn't throw in Al Hirt playing "The Green Hornet" theme, but I understand, it was between guitar players.

    I was most impressed with Gisha and Jerome, so they get my vote, with Jennifer Batten a close second.

  6. Jennifer! Jennifer!

    A different kinda battle, but yummy.
