Thursday, August 15, 2019

Battle of the Bands: Sleepwalk

Thought I would jazz things up on this version of  the Battle of the Bands. I decided to go with Santo and Johnny's "Sleepwalk."

You know the deal I come up with some contenders, you tell me who you like in the comments, and one day I  write a post and tell you who won.(I know I am running behind on that.)  Why not go with two incredible guitarists Jeff versus Joe.

Contender One: Jeff Beck

Contender Two: Joe Satriani

Hope you enjoy! Tell me what you think!


  1. I used to have a couple of recordings of this great song back in the 60's when I was in high school. It was one of my favorite songs. I still like it a lot.

    Both of these versions are excellent (how could they not be considering the artists?). Wow, it's a tough choice. Let my vote go to Joe Satriani. I prefer the lower tone and smoother sound. More like sleepwalking in sound.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. I gotta be honest, I don't know why I like one better than the other - they are pretty close. But I think Jeff Beck is my fav.


  3. Both players did a remarkable job of sounding like Santo & Johnny on this. Jeff Beck's tone was a little too harsh for me, so I'm going with Satch here.

  4. I really like this song and both are great but I will give it to Jeff beck because of the sharper tone which gave more distinction than Joe Santriani.

  5. Going in before listening, I thought for sure I'd be voting for the magical Joe Satriani. But after listening, my vote goes to Jeff Beck.

  6. I'm 180-degrees opposite from MMQE. I figgered I'd be voting for Jeff Beck because everything I've previously heard from Joe Satriani turned me off {*just repetitive, mindless shredding from fingers that seemed to have bathed in caffeinated cocaine*}.

    I thought both were good, but Satriani's added some nice little nuances. I didn't know the boy could actually play *music* on his guitar! I thought he just used it to give his cocained fingers something to do.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  7. You've chosen two of my favourite guitarists, so this is a tough one! I liked them both and had to listen a few times...In the end, I'm voting for Joe Satriani. His intro was more interesting and he gave it a softer tone.
