Wednesday, April 3, 2019

A to Z Challenge 2019: C is for Clapton

Over the years my Mom became a fan of Eric Clapton. My taste of music was a strong influence on my Mother's taste. She didn't like everything I enjoyed but their was common ground.

                                               "Motherless Child"

She saw Eric Clapton once with me and once with my Dad. She got to see him in Jacksonville with Derek Trucks....  "Why does Love have to Feel so Bad"

My Mom was impressed by Derek..

"Crow Jane"

But it was the Blues side my Mom really likes...

"Old Love"

Thanks for visiting I will be back tomorrow with a post for D!


  1. Thanks Mike, I really like Eric Clapton. I've never seen him live -

  2. Thanks Mike, I really like Eric Clapton. I've never see him live ..

  3. Nice choice for the day! I'm a little jealous you got to see him in concert!

    Jingle Jangle Jungle
    Literary Gold

  4. So cool that you saw him in concert and with your Mom! When I wanted to see ABBA during their Voulez-Vous Tour, I asked my mom and she said no.."There could be drugs there." I looked at her blankly and just said "'s ABBA."

  5. Is it wrong for me to be envious of your mother?
    *le sigh*

    Happy A-Z'ing!
