Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A to Z Challenge 2019: B is for Birthday

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary blogging from A to Z challenge letter

Today is my Mom's Birthday! If my Mother is following my blog Happy Birthday!

Here is a song for you..

Plenty of B's to go around with The Beatles "Birthday"

Over the years my Mom has bought me concert tickets and has even gone to concerts with me. One of those artists was B.B. King.

"The Thrill is Gone"

I was lucky enough to see B.B. King several times and I was lucky enough to have seen one of those concerts with my Mom. Thanks for visiting and I will be back with a new post soon.


  1. I hope your mum has a lovely birthday!

  2. What a fun way to showcase your mom's birthday! Happy birthday to the Swedish lass who took you to some great concerts

  3. Hey, Mike!

    Tell your mother, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" My mom's birthday is in a few days, too. :)

    Join me today for the second installment featuring the Bishop in my Little Mermaid Art Sketch series!

    Happy A2Zing, my friend! ;)

  4. Happy Birthday, Mamma Spain!

  5. Happy birthday to your mum, and congrats to my mum and dad on their wedding anniversary :) Obviously a great day.

  6. Hope your mum had a lovely birthday.
    Ah, the Beatles - I grew up listening to them in my parent's record collection. No BB King though.
    Tasha's Thinkings - Ghost Stories
