Thursday, April 4, 2019

A to Z Challenge: Days and other D's

Nothing starts a day better than a sunrise.

The video is a sunrise over the Black Sea, my Mom doesn't live by the Black Sea but she does live near the Atlantic Ocean. Living close to the ocean she enjoyed having a cup of coffee and watching the sun come up.

My Mom is still alive. It is just more difficult to get around. You fight a disease without a cure. Sometimes those treatments damage things and make things more difficult.

We have good days, bad days, days that are a little of both. Life can be measured in days. We don't know how many days we have. We don't know what day will be our darkest. As I grow older I tend to realize that in my own life. We can watch the lives of our parents, friends and love ones go by day by day.

I've been able to share some days with my Mom.  We live in a time where if we can't share days we can share moments. We can send pictures instantly. We can talk in real time. Thanks to technology! We certainly can do more than when my Mom was born. Heck we can do so much more since I was born. Someway it is better and some ways it is a distraction.

Make the best of your days! Try to have more good days than bad! Because you never know how many days you can share. You never know how many days you have.

Image may contain: ocean, sky, cloud, twilight, outdoor, nature and water

Days come to an end.


  1. I've seen the some come up over Lake Michigan, but it's nothing like watching it come up over the Black Sea. Nicely done.

  2. This really is a powerful message, and an excellent reminder of staying present in our days. I loved the video - both beautiful and soothing.

  3. You are certainly right about not wasting the days.
    (And for appreciating your Mom!)

  4. This is so eloquent...makes me really miss my mom
