Monday, April 1, 2019

A to Z Challenge 2019 A is for ABBA and Battle of the Bands

"A" could be for Ambitious as I try to tackle the first post of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge with my Battle of the Bands blog hop. My song choice comes from ABBA so it certainly features the letter "A."

ABBA is from Sweden and so is my Mom so there is the correlation with how this post relates to my Mom. The song also has "Mother" in the title.

How does the Battle of the Bands post work? I announce a song, try to use the original as a reference, and it will be the first song. You don't vote for this one. I will have two contenders (sometimes more) that will battle it out. In the comments you vote on what version you liked best . You can expand on your vote and tell why, or you can share memories or what not when you vote as well. If you want to find out more about this blog hop visit here.

The Song: ABBA  "Does Your Mother Know

The Battle is between the next two!

Contender One: Cher

Contender Two: B*Witched 

Maybe it is also April Fools Day since I am using ABBA? Anyway please vote in the comments and I will count up the votes and post a winner probably on the 14th. It is usually sooner but with the A to Z Challenge the 14th looks like the best date! 


  1. My vote goes for ABBA. it is original. love all the songs of ABBA.

  2. Abba is awesome. My wife’s family are extreme abbaphiles.

  3. Abba is a great choice for "A"--they've done some great songs.

    Cher's voice sounded a bit different her--kind of weirder than normal--but nevertheless her version was more aurally pleasing to me.

    My vote goes to Cher.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  4. Interesting way to weave Battle of the Bands in with the A to Z Challenge! I'll go with b'witched here; it sounded more lively and upbeat.

  5. MIKE ~
    You did a very nice job of tying this song and post into your 'Mom' theme!

    I'd never heard this song before, not that it matters. I didn't really care for the vocals in either rendition, but I did prefer the musical backing of the B'Witched version, so that's where my vote lands.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  6. My vote is for BWitched! Fun battle! See you around for the challenge, and all of the other posts in between :)

    Jingle Jangle Jungle
    Literary Gold

  7. My parents are huge Abba fans so I grew up immersed in Abba music!

    Can’t make a nice link on my ipad, but hopefully you can quickly copy and paste this in your browser:

  8. Lots of great blasts from the past. I'll be back to see what other memories you spark.

    This is my 4th year in the challenge, this is your 8th? I'm impressed.

    Pulp Paper & Pigment-My Fiber Art Blog

  9. I love, love, love ABBA and have all their records! I am a geek at heart so I know this song well. I am not fond of either version and thought I would be voting for the Bewitched one until I heard it. It was too POP for me with the extra beat thrown in there. Cher sounds like one of the drag queens who love her but I will go with Cher

  10. Hey Mike,

    Whew, it's been a busy beginning this week but I'm finally here to check out your double post! April's Fool joke or not, I enjoyed B*Witched over Cher's cover of 'Does Your Mother Know'. Gr8 start to this month's blogfest!

    Feel free to hop over to check out my Little Mermaid Art Sketch series featuring ARIEL & you'll find my BoTB here! Happy A2Zing!!

  11. ABBA was essential listening of my generation. Hail, Sweden!

    I didn't really have a clear feeling that one version was better than the other, but I'm giving it to Cher...respecting the seniors, ya know...

    Cherdo on the Flipside
    Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge

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