Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Blogging from A to Z 2018: J is for James Bond Movies

Yesterday I blogged about the creator of James Bond. You can read about that here. However, I discovered James Bond first through the movies.

Sean Connery's first appearance as James Bond in Dr. No...

Maybe a Ski Chase featuring Roger Moore..

Timothy Dalton with a little Aston Martin...

a bit of a jump in Golden Eye with Pierce Bronson...

Daniel Craig being tested in Skyfall..

Who was your favorite James Bond actor? Favorite James Bond movie? Feel free to share in the comments. I will continue the challenge tomorrow with a K related post.


  1. My favorite Bond is Pierce Brosnan, followed by Sean Connery. My nephew told me he really likes Daniel Craig, so I'm in the process of watching all four of his Bond films and will be writing a review of each of them for my movie review blog.

  2. I really liked the remake of "Casino Royale" with Daniel Craig. I've read the books and somehow feel he's the best fit for the part.

  3. I was not a fan of the Bond movies but must say that Daniel Craig has changed my mind. I've loved him as Bond. Weekends In Maine

  4. I got hooked on Bond movies with Connery's first ones. I was in junior high when those came out. I like just about all the Bond films. I've liked the trend of the recent ones too. I think Daniel Craig makes for an interesting Bond.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out / Battle of the Bands

  5. I always will pick Sean Connery first because I believe he epitomizes Ian Fleming’s Bond character. He was suave where Roger Moore’s Bond was laid back and a bit comical. dalton’s Bond was romantic and Brosnanks was debonair. Craig’s Bond is angry Bond. Let’s not forget George Lazenby who wasn’t bad as Bond and had a great chase on a bobsled run. I love Thunderball with Connery. For Moore, whom I like, I would choose The Spy Who Loved Me. I like both versions with Dalton and with Brosnan, I choose Tomorrow Never Dies because of his strong female lead, the strongest in my opinion-Michelle Yeoh. For Daniel Craig, I choose Casino Royale.
