Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Blogging from A to Z 2018: I is for Ian Fleming

Today's letter is I. I decided to go with the British author Ian Fleming who created the famous spy character James Bond. I became familiar with Ian Fleming through the film adaptations of his work, the blockbuster James Bond movies. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I actually read any of Fleming's novels. Why I was so late to the literary party I have no idea. My older brother had every James Bond book ever written. (Side note I have read three novels by Ian Fleming.)

A vintage interview with Ian Fleming from 1963..

Ian Fleming had an interesting life. He was a Naval Intelligence Officer during World War II, a journalist and moved to Jamaica. Ian Fleming like his James Bond character enjoyed alcohol and smoking. Fleming passed away at the age of 56 due to heart conditions.

Below a tribute to Ian Fleming..

Besides the James Bond novels Fleming wrote a non fiction book called The Diamond Smugglers published in 1957. He also wrote the 1963 travelogue Thrilling cities. Fleming also wrote a children's novel Chitty-Chitty-Bang -Bang

What is your favorite James Bond novels? Have you read any James Bond novels written by other authors? If so how do they compare? Please feel free to comment. I will be back soon with a J post.


  1. I've read a number of Fleming's 007 novels, many in their original paperbacks with the tiny type. Penguin started re-setting them and they were a lo easier to read. As for the novels written by other writers, I've never been able to get into them.

    When "Goldfinger" was so popular, Mom was reading it, and I never understood why she wouldn't let me read it as well (I was what, seven at the time?). I remember what a rush it was to finally read it at age 35. Kind of a letdown, really, but the movie was good (Honor Blackmon...)

  2. I haven't read any of his books but of course I've seen a couple of Bond movies. He died young!

    Janet’s Smiles
