Thursday, April 12, 2018

Blogging from A to Z 2018: K is for Coack K

Coach K sounds like a solid choice to blog about on the blogging from A to Z Challenge. He is a basketball coach so that would fit with my letter C post and he is an author of a book I read so that is related to a couple of posts.

Who is Coach K? Mike Kryzewski the head basketball coach for the Duke University Blue Devils. As a coach he was 1100 games which is more than any other college basketball coach. His teams have won the National Championship five times.

I read a lot of business books. It is what my degrees are in and I do work in business. Anybody who has read my blog for a while knows I enjoy sports as well. Sometimes a book fits a business topic and also fits another interest of mine. This creates in my mind a double win for me! Mike Kryzewski's book "Leading with the Heart" was one of those books I read last summer. I learned a lot more about Coach K, there was some good leadership advice and a lot about how he operates.

Leading with the Heart: Coach K's Successful Strategies for Basketball, Business, and Life

The legendary coach has authored at least five other books and if I ran across another book by him I would likely read it.

Join me tomorrow as A to Z challenge continues!

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