Monday, April 9, 2018

Blogging from A to Z 2018: H is for Heart

It is late at night. H is a little tricky and since I didn't want to do a short post like I did for G. I will stay with a music theme. I will go with Heart, a female led rocking outfit currently on hiatus.

Let's  rock out to "Barracuda" from 1977...

I should be sleeping so maybe "These Dreams"

Yes, I eventually discovered the classic Heart songs of the 70s. However, I was introduced with their 80s and 90's "What About Love"


What is your favorite Heart song? Feel free to share. Tuesday's letter is I!


  1. Mike,

    Geepers, I forgot you are doing the A2Z Challenge, my friend. Many, many apologies for not visiting your series before now. I will have to do some backtracking on your previous posts but I probably won't get a chance this morning. Heart is an excellent 80s band to feature for today's alpha prompt. I didn't bargain on getting so much mewsic in one stop this morning, either. lol Happy A2Zing, my friend!

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    A2Z iPad Art Sketch 'Heart Hands'

  2. PS: You asked what my favorite Heart song is and honestly you touched on some of their greatest hits this morning. I am hard press to pick just one, so I'm going with "What About Love".

  3. My favorite remains "Crazy On You."
