Monday, August 15, 2016

Battle of the Bands: Here Comes The sun

On my results post for my last Battle , I had mentioned a related artist Phil Keaggy. Cherdo commented on the post "I'm thinking someone ought to be doing Phil Keaggy (there's never enough Keaggy in the world)."

I read my comments and I'm open to suggestions.

I'll pick a song and share a video with the original artist or someone who made the song famous. Then I pick two contenders to battle it out to see whose cover is best. Who decides the winner? You do when you vote in the comments.

If you like these battles. Check out the other ones going on. This site has the most up to date list of Battles.

It has been really rainy where I live and the sky has been pretty gray. So, I think The Beatles "Here Come the Sun" is quite fitting.

The Song: Well here is George doing the song

George Harrison and The Beatles are not in the competition.

Challenger One: Phil Keaggy

Challenger Two: Nina Simone

I like this Battle. A great song. Two wonderful versions competing against each other. Both done by very respected artists and both are different. Vote please! I'll post the results around the 21st and I will have a new Battle come Saturday.


  1. Tough one! They're both solid covers, but I like the Phil Keaggy version a little more. It may sound a bit too much like the original..but that's why I like it! :-)

    The Pedestrian Writer

  2. I've owned so many Keaggy albums that I'm very aware of how much Beatles influence he has in his music. Even the songs he's composed often sound like the Beatles. Since I'm a big Beatles fan that's not a bad thing either.

    Nina Simone does a nice enough interpretation of this song, but side by side I have to go with the Keaggy version for my own personal listening pleasure.

    A vote for Phil Keaggy.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. The Nina Simone version deviated a bit more from the original. In some cases, that is enough for me to grant a win (provided I like it and it's done well). I just wasn't crazy about it, while I really enjoyed the Keaggy version. So, Keaggy it is!

  4. Mike, It's been rainy here, too. Today's challengers of this classic Beatles' song is a good match up. Nina's cover is unique, but it's still hard to go up against Keaggy. Phil's version seems truer to the original and I'm not sure if that's why, but Phil Keaggy gets my vote. Nice battle.

  5. Great match-up. I like Nina's version okay but I really like Phil Keaggy's so he's getting my vote.
    But thanks for introducing me to Nina Simone. I do like her sound...but for this one, it's Keaggy for me.

    Michele at Angels Bark

  6. I vote for Phil Keaggy. That Cherdo knows her stuff. I'd never heard of him before. He rivals George Harrison.


  7. I don't know Phil Keaggy but now I do and I likey! I had to go to YouTube to watch a video of him doing this song but thoroughly enjoyed it. He even sounds like George Harrison and that's not bad at all. I have to say Nina Simone irritated me. She is not really my cup of tea.

  8. I vote for Phil Keaggy. Nina Simone just didnt do it justice.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  9. Simone just doesn't do it for me. Give my vote to Phil Keagy; I'm a fan from way back and nothing about this battle changed my mind.

    1. (You aim to please...I like that. Thanks for more Keaggy!).

    2. (You aim to please...I like that. Thanks for more Keaggy!).

  10. Great song! The first video isn't available in Canada. I could only find a live version. Click HERE to view. Hope it's good enough! His version is close to the original, which is likely why I prefer it. Nina's different arrangement was a bit jarring, although she has a fantastic voice.

  11. Both were good, but I'm with Debbie: I liked Phil Keaggy's better because it was the most familiar. He even SOUNDS like George on this track. Give my vote to PK.

    If Richie Havens' version was one of the contestants, he'd have gotten my vote.

  12. MIKE ~
    There are times where I'd swear that Phil Keaggy is deliberately "doing his best Paul McCartney", and this is definitely one of those times.

    I generally like Nina Simone a good deal, and Keaggy played this one so close to the (Beatles') vest that I was sure I'd be giving my vote to Nina but... no way. Sorry, Bro, but I can't save you from a shutout this time. Nina just thoroughly butchered this song. I think it's the first time I've ever heard a recording of hers that I really disliked. Her soulfulness usually wins my vote but not this time. I don't think she really had any idea what this song was about. Or if she did, she certainly couldn't relate to it enough to sing it.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'
