Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Too High The Price of College Text Books

After work today I helped my stepson out for books at his Junior College. I had to intervene he was talking about dropping a class so he could afford the books. When I got there I thought it would be a bunch of books.

I browsed around the bookstore. Finally he is ready. Looks like one book, some papers, and a cd maybe. I'm thinking this won't be that bad. He tells me he can download the other books free. I'm feeling confident now. Then they  rang it up. $411 and change. Just a little more than one book!

A quick search on the interwebs I found his article. According to the NBC article textbook prices have risen by 73% since 2006. I know I thought books were expensive when I went to school  but these prices are insane.

Students have to get required books.The school charges them an arm and leg. The books are on top of room and board (if you live on campus) and the ever growing tuition. It looks like the college kids are getting taken advantage of.

Though a bit of advice for kids check out ebay, bookstores, or thrift stores.. I mean the book store was selling a used copy of "To Kill A Mockingbird" for $22.  $22 for a used paperback? On ebay I found it less than $4. I guess it is just keeping the poor college kids poor!


  1. It's a racket. That's all I can figure. Publisher's reps are probably driving around in Mercedes. Then good luck selling the books back... "Oh, I'm sorry, we have a new edition coming out next quarter..." The "new edition" fixes all the typos in the current one and introduces a whole lot more...

  2. Oh yes, it's completely ridiculous.

  3. Twenty-two dollars for To Kill A Mockingbird is absurd. The book is available everywhere for a few dollars. I think my most expensive textbook was $86. I don't remember if it was Chaucer or Milton. My professors went out of their way to keep the price of textbooks reasonable.


  4. College has really become such a racket and most grads end up with little to show other than a big loan. When I was first in college (in the early 70s), the cost of one quarter tuition and all my text books combined was less than one textbook often costs now. My summer job was enough to pay the whole following school year with plenty left for recreation and other things.

    My advice to most kids these days is to forget college and learn a trade. Vocational schools are often looked down on, but those jobs are where the good money is for the future.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
