Thursday, August 11, 2016

Happy 66th Mark Knopfler!

Today is Mark Knopfler's 66th birthday. I celebrated his birthday last year and you can revisit that post here. If I am celebrating something more than once you know I am going to change the songs up.

Mark is most famous for his work with Dire Straits..."Telegraph Road"

A solo track called "Piper to the End"..

"Yakety Axe" with Chet Atkins..

Emmylou Harris helping out.."If This Is Goodbye"

Just goodbye for now, I will be back soon!


  1. Ah yes, Dire Straits. Happy birthday to Mark.

  2. I guess Chet never got around to naming Mark a Certified Guitar Player, but I certainly think he qualifies. "Neck and Neck" is a great album.
