Friday, May 6, 2016

March Reads: The Power of Nice

19799  This is another book I read in March that I didn't fit into the A to Z: Challenge. You have heard the old saying "attract more bees with honey" apparently that can be true in business. The authors have a great deal of success in the advertising business so that gives them some credibility.

It is a short read, with some examples of nice and some steps to achieve the power. A lot is common sense but sometimes we need to read common sense. Can apply in business and your personal life.

Well I'll be back with a new post soon!


  1. Looks like an interesting book. When I find a copy on Overdrive I'll check it out.

  2. That is certainly true. Being nice always pays off, no matter what you're doing.

  3. To me, being nice, courteous, kind, helpful, etc. is just part of what we should do. Who we should be. That's how I was raised to be. I've seen nice, good people get ahead. I've also seen nasty, mean cutthroats get ahead. I'm glad to see someone championing the nice side. But, as a Christian, if you are nice for the only purpose of getting ahead, you are missing the whole mark of what nice is about. Perhaps, the authors point is to help people understand simply that it is okay to be nice in business. That you can and yet still succeed. I think there has long been a misnomer that "nice guys finish last."
    Barbara, blogging at Life & Faith in Caneyhead
