Thursday, May 5, 2016

Yesterday was a Good Day!

Yesterday was a good day. Today I am paying for it like a drinker who drank to much. Instead of a hangover I think I have a sunover! I feel it primarily in my neck. Yes I used two  rounds of sunscreen but the sun was deceivingly brutal.

I am amazed how the weather can be different in a matter of just a couple hundred yards. Where I was there was a constant wind and plenty of cloud cover. The sun did have time to peak out frequently. Apparently the sunscreen lotion I sprayed on was basting oil.

Yesterday could easily have gone the other way. I had to get up early to get her somethings from school. Funny how parents are told about those things at the very last minute. Then I drove about an hour to find my fishing spot only to discover I left my tackle box at home. The nearest tackle store was about a half hour away and if I went there I would have to pay the toll again. Then there was the big fish who got away, taking the hook line and sinker. So easily the day could have turned the other way but it didn't.

I had enough fishing gear in my car to make it work. I also had a wonderful view to watch some of the finest pilots work.

 I am talking about the Blue Angels. My pictures don't do them justice.  They came a lot closer as they were practicing and I was treated to several flyovers and they practiced most of their formations and stunts. What they can do certainly wows me! That being said I also saw several other Navy pilots flying during the day.

Yes the big fish got away. It wasn't good. The pole was bent, people were coming over to see what you have and then snap! Sometimes the fish wins! As a consolidation prize  think I caught the ugliest fish of the day.

I also made a new friend..

Then before I left I went over to the other side and took a stroll on the beach. The dunes blocking the wind. The water coming from another direction. No chop in this water.

To top the day off I was able to pick my daughter up from dance. I was able to take her to dinner and shopping for her teacher and Mother's Day. In other words I was able to squeeze in some quality time!

Not perfect, but a darn good day!


  1. Well, as long as it tastes good it probably doesn't matter how it looks.

  2. I'm glad you had a nice day. Is that creature really a fish? It looks hideous.


  3. Well, at least there were some compensations. Some days just don't go how you hope.

  4. When you start to smell like fried chicken after several sunscreen applications, it's time to come indoors.

    From your pictures, I'd say you were having a 'blue' day, but they do look pretty spectacular.

    Lee Andrews & the Hearts
