Saturday, May 7, 2016

Battle of the Bands Results:Chris Cornell Wins

Prince logo.svgThe results are in and Chris Cornell won. It started out looking like a landslide but the results ended up being close. Chris Cornell received 8 votes, All Angels stayed in the race with 6, and Sinead captured one even though she wasn't in the competition.

 Hopefully my Battle on the 15th will be close as well or at least fun!

Chris Cornell the 2-time Grammy Award singer just earned another award! Battle of the Bands winner.

Here he is with Soundgarden with "Black Hole Sun"..


His latest solo single..

Thanks for visiting! I will be back soon with a new post! A new battle will be on the 15th!


  1. Hi, Chris!

    You wound up with a nice close battle, good buddy. Way to Go. The Angels could have pulled out a win if they hadn't stranded three runners in the bottom of the 7th.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, good buddy!

  2. Yay, I picked the winner. I love when that happens. :)
    I like Chris Cornell's new solo. Nice!

    Have a great weekend Mike.

    Michele at Angels Bark

  3. Nice I could pick the one who won! Close, Mike!

  4. LOL, I didn't know we could write in votes. Has there been a Prince recording of the song?

  5. Almost a photo finish, MIKE. Good one!

    ~ D-FensDogG

  6. I could listen to Chris Cornell all day long and not tire of his voice. I, do, however, want to reach up and move the hair out of his eyes. LOL

    Fun battle! I'm looking forward to your next one.

    Lee Andrews & the Hearts

  7. Cornell had more live in his version as far as my ears were concerned, but taste of the voters was pretty evenly matched. Good Battle!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  8. A great artist won the battle. Congrats to him.
