Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Jungle Book Movie

I've shied away from reading Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book. I had seen a couple of movie versions and I know the story  has been my excuse. I do enjoy Kipling's works that I have read Kim and Captains Courageous.

However, I did see the new The Jungle Book movie...

Funny that is in the trailer, I did enjoy Scarlett Johansson as the snake.

After watching the movie I may need to go back and read the book. The movie was good and it was part of Daddy/Daughter date. We ended up having the whole theater to ourselves so it was like a private screening. My daughter got a kick out of that for some reason. I wasn't fond of the ticket prices for movies. Everything is 3D and I thought $22 for a movie was a bit high. One of the reasons I go see bands in clubs sometimes seeing bands is cheaper than movies.

I think this version is better than the  other film adaptations of The Jungle Book. Have you seen this film yet? Do you think it is better than the others? In the end it was money well spent. Quality time with my daughter is priceless.


  1. I've been to movies where I was the only one in the theater. (I remember those names, too. I think.) It's a bit weird. Especially when one sees a movie alone. But with your daughter, I bet that was priceless.

  2. I've never seen it...there's more than one Jungle Book movie, right? I did read a book about it when I was a kid, but it wasn't the original. I think it was a Disney version.

  3. Mike, the important thing is you had that Daddy/Daughter bonding and you just can't put a price on moments like that. This is a movie I won't see now that we don't have small ones, but I appreciate the review. Have a good week!

    Urgent #BoTB showdown

  4. I've heard quite a few people give this flick a thumbs up! But I'm with you on the ticket pricing. Geez, Louise...
