Friday, April 29, 2016

A to Z Challenge: YouTube

I know some musicians like Prince were not fans of YouTube. I can understand why. On the other hand it does help some artists. As a entertainment writer I have found a video often helps an article. I think my blog would be much worse if it wasn't for YouTube.

After all "Video Killed The Radio Star"...

How would your blog be different without YouTube? I like to use it to discover new to me artists or if I am craving an artist and want to listen to their songs. I still buy CDs. Most of the CDs I buy, I buy directly from the artist. Do you still buy CDs, cassettes or albums? I miss record stores. I am rambling off topic into Yesteryear another Y topic though.

Other pros of YouTube is you can watch news footage, sports highlights, shows and videos of interest. What is the strangest thing you have watched on YouTube? Probably footage of Bob Marley's funeral is probably the strangest.

Well That's All Folks...


  1. Youtube has been my friend this year. I've utilized Youtube for each day as I highlighted TV theme songs and vintage commercials. Youtube also comes in handy for the BOTB. As for CDs, I love to collect CDs. My favourite is CD Exchange. It's a great place to find cheap CDs. Normally, I can pick up a CD for about $2 - $8 dollars. I currently own a collection of over 500 CDs, with more on the way. From time to time, I'll purchase from Amazon, but if I can't find it at the CD Exchange, I probably don't need it.

  2. Without YouTube, I'd post my own stuff more. So I'd probably annoy and / or bore people more. LOL.

    Probably the weirdest video I've seen on YouTube was a horror movie called A Serbian Film. Def not suitable for children.

  3. I don't use Youtube very much. I have used it only a couple times on my blog, but I do agree that videos are a great addition to blogs. I guess my topics don't fit as well though. Mostly my kids show me silly stuff on Youtube.

    Don't buy cd's anymore, just iTunes.

  4. Kids and teens are on you tube everyday- i guess it's the new way to watch "tv". And so many new artists are discovered that way.

  5. When I'm in class, I'm generally grumbling about YouTube. Because the kiddos are watching that rather than doing their work. (Some days they like to watch fights. Kids film other kids having fights and post them. Scary.) I don't mind it so much when they use it to listen to music, plugging that in the background while they do work.

    Although, YouTube has helped me in lessons. One day I got stuck covering middle school band. Worse than you imagine. Anyway, they were doing a thing on the Beatles. As they were going through that assignment, I pulled up Beatles songs on YouTube and projected them for the class. They were less than enthused, but it was a great way to explain the music while showing the band as they changed throughout their career together.

  6. Youtube is the greatest thing for every music lover! My blog is chock full of Youtube videos and I can't imagine how we'd survive without it. What I love most is finding videos of favourite old songs and also discovering new to me artists. I even have my own channel.
    Yes, I still buy CDs and have all my old cassettes and vinyl records too, plus the equipment to play them on.

  7. I love YouTube. I've used it every day in my A-Z. And it rocks for Battle of the Bands. I remember how excited I was when I learned to embed videos on my blog. Last year I put together a massive playlist (over 1000 videos) and I just plug in and go back in time with all the great classic rock and Motown.
    YouTube is also great for teaching. If I have a question on how to do something technical there's usually a YouTube video to show me how.
    Yeah, YouTube rocks.

    Looking forward to your Z tomorrow... Er, today...

    Michele at Angels Bark

  8. I don't spend a lot of time on YouTube, but I do utilize it for my blog from time to time. I haven't bought many CDs in recent years. I admit, I am a digital crossover and I buy my music from iTunes. There is a part of me, the part that loves nostalgia, that misses music stores where as a child and teenager, I perused the cassette and CD covers, trying to figure out if I might like the music inside. But, then again, there is a part of me that doesn't miss it at all and totally enjoys the convenience of buying music from the comfort of my home or wherever I may be at the time.

    Ericka from A Quiet Girl’s Musings…

  9. This might make me a terrible person: but the first thing I thought about after processing that Prince was actually dead was, "Does this mean his music will be available on YouTube now???" I know the guy was convinced that it hurt him somehow. I completely disagree with that assessment, by the way. I think it would've introduced younger people to his music and they would've bought it off ITunes. So, we shall see, won't we???

  10. Well, isn't it a small world? I mentioned The Buggles today in my letter Z post, because Hans Zimmer used to be a member. I decided to go ahead and watch it since you included it here, and that's him on the keyboards :) My A to Z theme this year would not have been nearly as fun without YouTube. I like being able to find the perfect video to go with my posts. In my regular posts, I don't rely on YouTube as heavily, but it is a great resource. One of the strangest videos I've seen on YouTube is Hard 'n Phirm's Pi.
