Wednesday, April 27, 2016

2016 A to Z Challenge: X for X-Ray

It is fitting to use X-Ray for X in my A to Z Challenge post as X-Ray stands for X in the phonetic alphabet. Let's have a little fun with some Mr. Bean...

The discovery of the X-Ray earned Wilhelm Rontgen the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901. Here is a quick video showing how X-Rays work...

If you visit Doctors, dentists, or airports you are familiar with X-Rays. Keeping it short and sweet, if not a little geeky today. Thanks for visiting and I will be back soon with a new post!


  1. Those were awesome videos today. I had no idea Mr. Bean had a cartoon.
    That guy gets himself into all sorts of scrapes, doesn't he?

  2. Those were awesome videos today. I had no idea Mr. Bean had a cartoon.
    That guy gets himself into all sorts of scrapes, doesn't he?

  3. Hi, Mike!

    Mrs. Shady and I watched the Bean televison series. I didn't know there was a cartoon version. X-Rays are fascinating but I don't look forward to getting those doses of radiation. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend Roger Corman's 1963 sci-fi/horror movie X: The Man with the X-ray Eyes starring Ray Milland.

    Thanks, Mike!

  4. haha.. as a doctor, am very much used to the presence of X rays :)

    My Recent Entries for the #AtoZChallenge -
    TV Shows: The X-Files
    TV Shows: The Wonder Years

  5. The Bean cartoon was funny. Cute. Loved the nurse!

    I've had my share of x-rays and just had some a few weeks ago of my foot and ankle. It's weird seeing the image of all the screws in my foot. I have so much metal in my body that I always have to get a pat-down at the airport... PITA

    Only 2 more days to go Mike!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  6. Funny cartoon. And xrays-such a great diagnostic tool.

  7. Phonetic alphabet as in alpha, beta, charlie, delta...? I, too, had no idea Mr. Bean had a cartoon. (Now only if there was a Blackadder cartoon...)

  8. Don't remember Mr Bean. Growing up we only had 3 channels and that was sometimes pushing it. When it was stormy forget it. So glad to be enlightened :)
    Stephanie Finnell
    @randallbychance from
    Katy Trail Creations
    Stephanies Stuff

  9. So all he did was that one thing? Bo Jackson played football AND baseball. Just sayin'.

  10. I love Mr. Bean. He is the absolute hit. Thank you for showing it.
    Nice Y.

    Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

    Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

  11. I hope you got my comment. It just disappeared.

    Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

    Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

  12. I didn't know Mr, Bean was also in cartoon form. Fun! ☺
    Interesting video about X-rays. When I was ill in February, they took many and I was surprised that lead aprons are no longer required. X-rays are much safer than they used to be, apparently. They even made a CD out of it, for easy transfer to the doctor's office.
