Saturday, April 30, 2016

A to Z Challenge 2016: Zephyrhills

It is strange where blog topics come from especially in a challenge like the A to Z challenge. My topic today comes from a bottle of Spring Water.

ProductsI mentioned before I gave up sodas. However, in my day job I talk a lot. I don't know if it is just me but I have to drink a lot so my mouth doesn't dry up and voice crack or disappear. Water is my remedy.

Zephyrhills Spring water comes from a town called Zephyrhills which means pure water. The water comes from five Springs. The town is considered a suburb of Tampa. One of these Springs, Crystal Springs the company has turned into a 525 acre nature preserve. I can support that. Two of there Springs are within three hours from me.

Here is a picture from a small stream near a Spring in the Panhandle of Florida..

As you can see the water is very clear. Well that wraps up my A to Z Challenge for 2016. I will be back tomorrow with a Battle of the Bands post and I will have some more posts coming up in May!


  1. Good one to end on Mike! Have enjoyed your A-Z. See you tomorrow for BOTB.

    Michele at Angels Bark

  2. I'm not familiar with this brand of water, but it sounds like a good company to support. Congratulations on completing the challenge! I'm taking a break from BOTB tomorrow, but will check out some of the posts during the week. Have a good weekend.

  3. Water and coffee are all I drink since I gave up soda years ago. I sometimes buy a Crystal Springs water, I wonder if from that Crystal Springs. Congrats on completing the Challenge!

  4. I drink everything! When it comes to water, I prefer the water out of our well. Ice cold, crystal clear and great taste! Nice to see a company doing something "nice". And congrats on finishing yet another AtoZ!
    Revisit the Tender Years with me at
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  5. I have never heard of this water but what a great way to end the A to Z. I wanted to visit since I visit you during the BOTB but I fell behind and blah blah blah. I am going to check out your other posts:)

  6. I actually started drinking a full bottle of water before every meal. It seems to help. It started when I was on vacation a couple of months ago and was REALLY thirsty. I sat down in a restaurant and drank an entire glass of water, then asked for another. I was halfway through that one when the food arrived--and I was full halfway through my meal!

  7. I gave up soda years ago. All I drink is water. It's better for you.

  8. I drink bottled water too. I got tired of soda and now I have a hard time drinking it. I have given up soda, but every once in a while if there is nothing else to drink, no bottle water available, or I'm feeling under the weather. I'll have a can of white soda. The only other time I'll have soda is if I'm having a mixed drink, like Rum and Coke.

  9. It's been a great Ato Z! Loved your posts!
