Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A to Z Challenge: E is for Exploring

Today's post is E for exploring. The best thing about a bloghop is that it gives you a chance to explore blogs. This year discovering new blogs is going slower. I finally was able to explore some new ones last night. My excuse is I have a lot of friends who are doing this challenge too! Which means I have been visiting them. Some of them may have been a little over due.

I've set a goal to visit 300 blog posts. I hope to average 10 a day. I would like to exceed it and I would like to do more exploring. The A to Z Challenge could have well over 44,000 posts to explore.
Well I am glad you have explored and discovered my blog! I look forward to exploring your blog soon.


  1. Here's to exploring! Yup, love checking out all the cool blogs. So much imagination out there. Thanks for sharing. :-)


  2. I wish I had more time to explore, but I can barely keep up with the bloggers I follow, lol. So far, the only new ones have been those who visited me first. I'm hoping to find some time to do a few visits of my own.

    Thanks for visiting my blog in your explorations :)
    Elizabeth @ Liz's Random Ponderings

  3. I'm loving the finding of new blogs and the hidden treasures of blogs that I have visited in the past as well

    I'm glad that I took the time to pre-write my posts, as that has given me more time to go exploring.

    #AtoZChallenge F is for Fitzgerald

  4. I'm always willing to explore the posts from my co-BOTBers.
    This year I'm assisting as a ninja minion which is nice because it's forcing me to get to different blogs and visit.

  5. It's a lot of blogs, isn't it? And keeping up with the usual blogs... It's hard. But that's why they call it a challenge.

  6. I got a bit set back in my exploring in the first week as my wife had spring break and we took a vacation trip to Houston. We had loads of fun but it's really put me behind at the start. I do love exploring blogs and otherwise. Nothing like the discovery of some unexpected gem.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out
