Thursday, April 7, 2016

A to Z Challenge 2016: F is for Fishing

Fishing isn't always about the size of the fish you catch but the size of the smile on your face.

Heck sometimes even sharks are small...

Sometimes fishing can make you crabby..

sometimes it leaves you deflated..

Sometimes it makes you want to blow up...

Everyone is a sucker for a bigger fish...

They make bigger smiles...

This one had a lot of fight..

but this one made me smile..

and this one was a little stingy...

Well I got to go I have something on the other line...


  1. Cool pics.

    The last time I went fishing was decades ago.

  2. What a great post. Love the pictures, and what adorable smiles.
    I like your line, it's the size of the smile. So true.

  3. Are those bullet holes in that fish? That is a fighter...

  4. Well said. Love all the pics and the smiles. So much fun.

  5. I love fishing - makes me smile too!

  6. Wow, you sure have caught a great variety of sea creatures! What a beautiful blue crab (is that what it was?). And the sharks were very cool. Love the smiles of that adorable little girl. Is that your daughter?
    My ex loves fishing. He loves it for the solitude and goes every chance he gets.

    Great post and awesome pics!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  7. Cool! You seem to enjoy tour fishing and with a partner like that who wouldn't?

  8. Wonderful pics. Your post made me smile.

  9. What a cute little shark. Those are five words I thought I'd never say.

  10. Fishing was my topic for today, too. Well, a different kind of fishing...

  11. No bullet holes! Just a Red fish. Yes the girl is my daughter.
