Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A to Z Challenge 2016: D is for Dexter

This year I have been blogging about books I have read. I have been reading books every month so it has become a monthly thing. Some years I don't read many books or don't read regularly.  Dexter the popular television show is based off  the "Dexter" series of books by Jeff Lindsay. I read the first book in the series about three years ago and blogged about it here.

My daughter thinks of Dexter as "icky" and books I shouldn't read. Dexter might agree. Last month I read two more books in the series "Dearly Devoted  Dexter" and "Dexter in the Dark."  I've enjoyed the series so far. The first one was close to the first season(with a major left turn)  and the next two are so different. It is weird I am reading them with the pictures of the cast running through my head but different storylines.

Have you ever read a series that was also a show with different story lines but familiar characters?
Have you read The Dexter Books? Do you have a favorite? Did you watch the series? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments, I will be back tomorrow with E!


  1. Looking in on your blogging for A to Z Challenges. You have some good reads. Keep on reading and blogging.

  2. I have read books based on TV shows. But they all pretty much work as stand-alone episodes.
    Star Trek, Doctor Who & Quantum Leap are all books I've read that have departed from the series. But none of the books has detracted from previously established norms within the TV show.

  3. I've only seen one episode of Dexter. I liked it but can't remember why we didn't watch it regularly. Maybe it was same time as another show. I've seen lots of movies that I read the books first and I'm sure I've read some that were TV but I can't think of any right now.

  4. Mike, I have not read the Dexter series nor have I seen the TV show yet. I do have Dexter on my Watch List at Netflix, which we will get around to eventually. This sounds like a show that we might like, though, and I can't wait to try it out.

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    All Things Vintage: Dear Diary #AprilA2Z

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. A friend recommended the show to me and that is how I was hooked.

  5. I loved the Dexter series. I have never read the books but I would like to check them out.
    I also love the Dexter intro and theme song. Love all the alluding to blood and smothering and strangling within the everyday rituals of getting ready for his day. Great theme song too.

    I actually didn't know the TV series was based on books so thanks for turning me on to that!

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Glad I helped you discover something new

  6. That video totally freaked me! I'll wait for 'E'.

  7. I've read a few of the Dexter books. Many moons ago. I thought they were decent, but I could have done without the supernatural element.

    Not a TV show obviously, but Running Man is way different as the book than the movie.

  8. I haven't read the books nor have a watched the TV series, but I know Dexter was popular. Might catch it on Netflix one of these days.

    I read John Jakes' Civil War trilogy and also watched the mini-series, starring Patrick Swayze. His character was killed in the books, but not the series, which I actually liked better. ☺

    1. I've heard of it but haven't watched or read it. Might have to add to my list.

  9. Several people have said this show is good, but I haven't watched it.

    As for shows that don't really follow their origin material... I do watch The Walking Dead (and it often gives me nightmares). They just aired the season finale on Sunday night with a cliffhanger. Turns out that I'm upset enough about this that I've googled to see if I could find out what happened in the comics (the source material). Well, it turns out that the show has deviated so far and often from the comics that it's all very up in the air as to what will happen. I learned in about a half hour of reading that many characters who are dead on the show didn't die in the comics and vice versa. Or died at other times in other ways. So, the upshot is that it is strange, but I can kinda understand the writers wanting to keep it interesting but changing it up. Kinda.

  10. I watched the show, but never delved into the books. I heard one plot point that really haunted me in the show never happened in the books. But Dexter was too dark for me to read. I prefer lighter fare or fantasy and sci fi.

    1. I mix up and slowly getting more into sci-fi

  11. I enjoy book series based on shows that I love. I have read a few including books on Supernatural, X-Files, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's fun to read a book when you already have a "relationship" with the characters.

    Weekends In Maine
