Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A to Z Challenge 2016: Wetlands

Wetlands are important me. I fish and check out the scenery in my local wetlands. In Louisiana the wetlands and the land is disappearing. Over the last two years I have supported some grassroots efforts by attending the Voice of the Wetlands Festival. As you know from reading my blog I love music. Combine music with a worthy cause which I support and you have a winning combination. Add in the fact my daughter has a blast each time I is a winning combination.

My local wetlands..

My daughter in the Louisiana Wetlands...

Alabama wetlands..

Here is Bill Nye the science guy talking about Wetlands..

Here s musician Tab Benoit talking about them..


  1. Great pics! What a beautiful place. No wetlands here.

  2. Pretty pics. They've been fixing up some local wetlands--moving the road so they were no longer cut off from the ocean. I have no idea if that helped things or not.

  3. Mike, what part of Louisiana are you in? I've been there, to the gulf. I have friends who live in Cameron and I've been to the infamous Holly Beach. :) There are some real characters there!

    Your daughter is adorable! Love the pic of her with the alligator sign. Speaking of, being that you fish in the wetlands, you probably see a fair share of gators, no? They scare the crap out of me!

    Sad that the wetlands are disappearing. Our whole earth is in danger. It still blows me away that so many in Congress don't believe in Global Warming. What???!!!

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. I live in far western Florida but I vist New Orleans and Houma every once in a while

  4. Unfortunately, there are no wetlands in my neck of the woods.

  5. how beautiful! :) (and thanks for visiting :) )

  6. That is a beautiful place. I can see why you would do whatever you could to preserve the area! Your daughter is very pretty :)

    thanks for visiting! hard to believe the challenge is winding down for this year!


  7. The wetlands are another unique environment, like the baygall in the Big Thicket that is right beside my house. Amazing how each area has life in it that can only be found there. God's creation staggers the mind! Your daughter is an absolute cutie!
