Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A to Z Challenge: Vitalogy

Since I had my mid-month journey to see Pearl Jam it is only natural I blog about their third studio album Vitalogy released in 1994. The album sold over 5 million copies so it was pretty successful.

Highlights include Corduroy...

Spin the Black Circle...

Not for You

Better Man was probably the biggest hit...

What's your favorite song off this album? What' your favorite Pearl Jam song? Feel free to share. See you soon with a new post!


  1. Love your word choice for V. Great music pick. Sadly though, I don't know much Pearl Jam...I'm a country girl- pretty much always have been.

    1. Nothing wrong with that. I post about Country music once in a while.

  2. Pearl Jam has some great songs. Hope you enjoyed yourself. I know you did.
    Though I like 'Daughter', but my favourite would have to be Alive.

  3. Sorry, not a bit Pearl Jam fan. More like background noise for one part of my life.

  4. Well you're at the end and still going strong on this year's A-Z. Congratulations!

    I have a love/hate relationship with Pearl Jam. I think I prefer their earlier music, though.

  5. My most favorite Pearl Jam song comes from the Backspacer album - "Just Breathe"
    Other songs that I enjoy come from the Ten album - "Jeremy" "Even Flow" "Oceans" "Black"

    Great post.

    #AtoZChallenge W is for Wilson Phillips

  6. Mike, Pearl Jam isn't a group I normally listen to, but I liked the introduction of their album. I'm not sure which song is my favorite here. I may have to listen to them again another time. I'm playing catch up with A2Z, so please bare with me. Thanks for your frequent visits, my friend and congrats on finishing up another year of A2Z!
