Monday, April 4, 2016

A to Z Challenge 2016:C is for Challenges

Well I made it through the first week of the 2016 A to Z: Challenge. To be fair it was a short week for the challenge with only two days. This week the challenge has 6 days ad is the first full week of the challenge. I'm ready!

Today's letter is C and I wanted to write about challenges. Not necessarily the A to Z: Challenge since I think I have blogged enough about that, but there are so many challenges we face on a daily basis.

The challenge to get up out of bed on day your not feeling 100%, the challenge to make it through a tough day at work, the challenge to meet a deadline. We all face so many challenges everyday. Then we decide to add on optional, fun challenges like the A to Z: Challenge. Isn't our plate full enough? Should we tell out therapist? If we don't have a therapist should we get one?

I like challenges to motivate me and push me more. Currently I am on a couple of reading challenges on Goodreads. It was a goal of mine to read more this yes because I barely red anything in 2016 so I set a challenge to read 26 books this year. I am well on my way to smashing that! My other challenge on Goodreads is on a group about classics. One of my goals is to become more "well read" so being on that challenge will encourage me to read more of the classics.

I miss the challenge of a competitive sports. I like the fact that it encouraged me to somewhat get in shape for that activity before that sport. unfortunately I am getting older and not currently competing in any other sport.

I like lent nd the voluntary challenge of giving up something for the lent period. I usually pick something that does have a health benefit for me.

What other voluntary challenges are you participating in? Feel free to share and thanks so much for visiting my blog.


  1. My continual challenge is trying to lose weight. Cutting out ones favourite food or getting motivated to go to the gym can be VERY challenging.

  2. I am always taking on new challenges, often times taking on more than I can chew. I have several challenges going on now, the A to Z Challenge, I have challenged myself to blog every day this year, lose weight, eat healthier, save money to build a house, write 6 books this year (2 down), among other things. I have been doing great on all my challenges this year, except for the losing weight one, I haven't been too successful there because I have trouble getting motivated to get up in the morning. One good thing though is that so far every month I work out a little more. Good luck with your challenges! Cassie from Mommy, RN

  3. I agree that we all face so many challenges. I'm dealing with my Mom's health challenge now as she just had open heart surgery last month and is having a rough recovery.

    As for voluntary challenges, I chose to be an A-Z minion checking various blogs so that's a real challenge to check those blogs while trying to go visit all the blogs I want to visit along the way.

    That's an impressive challenge you have there with reading 26 books this year! That's A LOT!
    I have a hard time reading because I fall asleep within the first few pages so it takes me forever to get through a book!

    And yep, I think we all need a therapist!! :)

    Michele at Angels Bark

  4. I gave up Facebook this past Lent, and I think that was better for my mental health than anything. I now get antsy and want out after about five minutes there.

  5. Challenges. I don't really think in challenges. Perhaps I should.

  6. I already have a therapist. Life is too CHALLENGING for me to not. I think we all need better strategies to deal with those challenges!

  7. Mike, it certainly is challenging to get out of bed on days you're not 100%, especially as a mother. Those days are far behind me, but I remember how hard it was to pull myself together just to get through the day. These days it's a challenge with allergy season upon us, especially for DH, and it's making the challenging twice as hard difficult being out of work. He hopes this cloud lifts soon before a company contacts him requesting an interview because not being 100% is evident to the interviewer and that may be all it takes to keep him from getting the job. Great post for the "C" prompt! I'm playing catch up today and hope to read your other A2Z posts. Thank you for visiting, my friend!

    Curious as a Cathy
    All Things Vintage: Cab Calloway #AprilA2Z

  8. Life without challenges would be boring, in my opinion. So bring it on! :)

  9. My Goodreads challenge is to read/listen (I'm an audiobook gal) to at least 52 this year. I also participate in several other reading/book challenges throughout the year where I read books to satisfy certain categories, etc. Participating in the April A to Z Blogging Challenge is my first blogging challenge. I am also on a quest to become better read, since no one really seems to know that being "well read" entails, and read more classics, too. Somehow I've managed to skip most of them throughout the course of my life. Have a good one!
