Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Remembering Albert Collins

Albert Collins the famous blues singer and astounding guitarist past away. I was lucky enough to see
Albert Collins in concert before his death when he opened for John Lee Hooker.

Two late greats, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Albert Collins performing "Frosty"..

Here Albert performs "Iceman"...

"If Trouble was Money"...

Hope you enjoyed this blues break. I'll be back soon with a new post!


  1. A really great player. I had an album on cassette that featured him, Robert Cray, and Johnny Copeland that I played until it stretched out. Have to try and find that one again...

  2. "If trouble was money," I'd be rolling in the stuff. Gosh, I hear the guitar and know exactly whose playing before I see his face. Nice tribute, Mike.
