Saturday, November 21, 2015

Battle of the Bands Results: Fortune Teller

Another blow out on the Battles of the Bands. It was rigged! How was it rigged? I liked all artists who were involved.

The results were 12-3 in favor of Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. If I was going to vote I think I would have given the nod to the Stones. I like that early, vintage Stones sound. 

Some of you mentioned Alison wasn't featured as much on this song. That is correct. Some tracks on the disc are truer duets than others. Both Alison and Robert were given songs to take the lead in as well. In this case Robert was given the green light.

I think the real hero of the Raising Sand project is T-Bone Burnett. His production got mixed reviews in the comments. However, he has a golden finger when it comes to production. Handling two big vocals (and  perhaps egos) Burnett was able to create a musical masterpiece that dominated the Grammy Awards.

I must admit it was cool to see him play guitar as well. As you know on my results posts I feature additional music. Instead of the obvious choices of Robert Plant and Alison Krauss I am going to choose T-Bone Burnett.

"Driving Wheel"...

"Shut it Tight"

Here he is with Robert...

 I will leave you with this one...


  1. Hi, Mike! The outcome doesn't surprise me, but I am pleased to know that you like the rough, unpolished R&B style adopted by the Stones. My BOTB's are always rigged, too. No matter which artist and song wins, it's a favorite of mine. Thanks for bringing us the good stuff, Mike!

  2. Hi Mike... either your links are not woking or my laptop needs something added to it. However, Plant and Krauss were my choice too. I loved the "cross roads special" that featured T-Bone too!! Enjoy the upcoming Turkey Day event. ~ Dixie

  3. Although I voted for Robert and Alison, I did think the Stones would win this one. Great battle!
    Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

  4. MIKE, not all Battles can be close ones, but I've tried to learn something new from each one. And as a result - and after 56 Battles - fortunately, I don't have many blowouts anymore. But (happily!) it seems BOTB will always contain some elements of great surprise, and that's something that keeps me interested in it after so many contests.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  5. Plant and Krause - awesome together! I think I'll vote for them even when they are competing.

    Seriously - nice job!

  6. The Stones were good, but I'm not surprised about the winning version in this case.

    Burnett has been responsible for so much great music. I saw him once when he was backing up Bruce Cockburn in concert. Burnett doesn't have to be the main guy to exert his influence.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  7. Wow, I was really in the minority on this one. Which isn't surprising, I always seem to be in the minority. Oh well, there is always next battle.
