Friday, November 27, 2015

Celebrating The Birthday of Jimi Hendrix

I've blogged about Jimi Hendrix in the past and I will blog about him in the future. Most recently I posted about his passing 45 years ago in September. The last time I marked his birthday was in 2013. Mentioning these posts because they contain more music than what I am going to post today.

I mentioned music so I guess I should start the celebration.

"Voodoo Child" done live in 1969 from Stockholm...

Here is Jimi with "One Rainy Wish" off the vinyl..

Here is Jimi with "Somewhere"..

Jimi died way too young at 27. Thankfully he left behind a legacy that was caught in his recordings. Feel free to share your Jimi Hendrix favorite songs in the comments. I'll be back soon with a new post.

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