Tuesday, October 6, 2015

BOTB Results: No Contest They are an American Band

I rarely vote on my own battles. Maybe to break a tie. Grand Funk Rail Road won this competition easily 9 to 5 over Merry Clayton. Even if I did vote it would not have mattered. That being said I would have voted for Merry who was the original female vocalist on the Rolling Stones version of "Gimme Shelter."

To the victors go the spoils...

"We're an American Band"...

"Bad Time"...

Maybe next time I will use this song..

Thanks for voting and being part of my Rocktober! I'll be back on October 15th with a brand new Battle of the Band. What song will I pick? Who will I pit against each other? Who will you vote for?
Find out on the next Battle of the Band...


  1. Merry's version was good too, but Grand Funk sounded more like the original and that swayed me. Thanks for the mini-concert.

    1. Debbie thanks for visiting. Glad you liked the music!

  2. GFR was most definitely the band to beat. Good - I won this one! Thanks, Mike. See you on the flipping spooky side!

  3. Not my week for picking winning songs. Oh, well. There is always next time.
