Friday, October 9, 2015

Celebrating John Lennon's 75th Birthday!

I'm jumping right into the music with "Instant Karma." Today is the late great John Lennon's 75th birthday. A gifted musician and songwriter  whose legacy was sealed with his work with the Beatles. Yet he continued to release several incredible songs as a solo artist.

This one is probably my favorite John Lennon song..

Might as well throw in some Beatles into the celebration. This one goes out to all the writers who read my blog..

Since it is his 75th Birthday I suppose I should include "Imagine"

What is your favorite post Beatles John Lennon song? Favorite Beatles song? Please feel free to join the celebration with your comments!

Did someone say "Birthday"?

Here is a solo gem.."Woman"...

I'll leave you with "Strawberry Fields Forever"

Well I'll be going out of town to a music festival, so I hope to post back soon. Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Would be 75?! Wow, I think I just stripped a gear. Great variety tribute. Thank you, Mike.
