Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Rocktober: Bret Michaels

No he didn't die and no it isn't his birthday. Bret Michaels is however the last concert I saw. Keeping with my Rocktober theme I thought I would blog about it today. Bret Michaels was the lead singer and frontman for the band Poison.

Here is Bret's promo for the show..

He is best known for his work with Poison..

Here they are with "Unskinny Bop" one of the many Poison songs Bret Michael performed Saturday

Here he is with a solo song "Beautiful Soul"..

Another Poison hit "Talk Dirty to Me"...Bret's set was filled with plenty of Poison hits...

Here is an interview with him a year ago..

I'll leave you with another Poison song "Every Rose Has it's Thorn" here is Bret doing his version...

I;ll be back soon with a new post!

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