Thursday, July 30, 2015

Happy Birthday Buddy Guy!

This is the fourth year in a row I have celebrated Buddy Guy's birthday on the blog. With the passing of B.B. King I feel a bit more urgency to celebrate it a bit more. Here is a link to my first birthday tribute to him.

My second tribute is here. Here is last year's celebration. Adding them because they contain more music. Speaking of music let's add some in!

Here Buddy performs "I Can't Quit You" with the legendary B.B. King..

I can't quit the blues. I am thankful I was able to see B.B. quite a few times and I am glad to say I have seen Buddy a couple of times.

This is how Buddy Guy said goodbye to Wannee Fest in 2012..

Below Buddy Guy performs "Fever" with one of my favorite guitarists Tab Benoit...

While we are having Buddy play with some of my favorites we might as well have him jam with the Rolling Stones.."Champagne and Reefer"..

Cheers! I hope he sticks around for a few more birthday celebrations!

Thanks for visiting and I will be back soon!

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