Wednesday, July 29, 2015

My Latest Movie Review: Northern Limit Line

A foreign film in a foreign tongue with subtitles. I respect that. There are creative people around the globe and English isn't the only language. Just not what I usually look for in a film. I like a film in my language. I don't want to read the dialog on tiny print on the screen. The Foreign part is okay I like exotic locations. I know get a bigger screen than the print isn't tiny. As I am typing along the slippery slope of political correctness what is my point. My point is when it comes to film and most entertainment we prefer it to be in our comfort zone.

When I reviewed the Korean film "Northern Limit Line" it wasn't in my comfort zone. In the end however I am glad I watched the film. The movie wasn't in my comfort zone with the language and having to keep up with the small print on the screen. However, the movie wasn't created for my comfort zone. In it's native language "Northern Limit Line" is probably better!

I discovered the film packed a lot of suspense and was well made. The combat scenes were incredible! I even felt following the dialog on the screen drew me even deeper into the suspense of the film.  The movie had a great story to share and did a suburb job of sharing it!

You can read my review here. U.S. Trailer below for you to check out...

If you like Naval thrillers this film is worth checking out. It is similar to the movie "Pearl Harbor" but with another battle, across an ocean, and with another generation in another country.


  1. I've been surprised to learn in the last five years or so that I tend to like French movies. It's The Hurricane's fault. She got me started with Amelie.

