Monday, June 1, 2015

Battle of the Bands Volume 20: New Orleans, Funk and Trombones

Image result for Trombone

Today's battle is inspired by a comment Robin from  ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE made on my battle on May 1, 2015.  The quote that inspired me to share more trombone was " There was also a time (ten minutes ago?) when I never would have guessed that a trombone made a good solo instrument. I understood the allure of the trumpet and sax. But the trombone???" I have found the trombone to be pretty prevalent in a lot of live music that I listen to, especially bands out of New Orleans. Please check out Robin's battle.

The last day of Jazz Fest the main stage was closed out by a man named Trombone Shorty. My part of the challenge is to pit two trombone fueled bands against each other with a common song. That is my mission impossible. Your mission if you choose to accept it is to vote in the comments and have fun! 

If you are still looking for more musical fun after you vote, you can check out these sites for more battles:


Please check out my friends above, they post some pretty neat stuff! 

It took a bit of searching but I found a song for this friendly competition that will fit well with my musical adventures at the final day of The New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. The legendary funk band out of New Orleans called The Meters also played on the main stage. So it is fitting I decided to use their instrumental called "Cissy Strut"....

The Meters are not in the competition. They are just providing the song for the competition.

Challenger One:

The Dirty Dozen Brass Band

Challenger Two:

Big Sam's Funky Nation

Well thanks for visiting I hope you enjoy! Remember to vote and come back for  the results on June 7, 2015.


  1. Nothing beats Great sounding Jazz! My vote goes to The Dirty Dozen Brass Band.

  2. Mike, this is a no competition round for me. The Dirty Dozen Brass Band steals my vote with all that jazzy brass funk! Fabulous BoTB showdown!

    Mad World #BOTB

  3. This one doesn't require much thought for me. That second version sounds like a cover of the first version by DD Brass Band.

    I've always enjoyed seeing Dirty Dozen Brass Band when I've caught them on TV. They're a great group.

    Dirty Dozen wins this round for me. This recording reminds me of some of the stuff by the Crusaders. Actually they're better than the Meters on this tune.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  4. Well, we're doing it today at Mike's! I remember seeing Robin's comment and thinking, "she nailed it!"
    Though Big Sam's is live and jamming, I have to go with The Dirty Dozen Brass Band. That 'super horn' jump off, right from the start knocks me out! And the guitar and keyboard 'don't hurt known', either, (smile).

    Great battle - love this song! My vote goes to The Dirty Dozen Brass Band.

  5. close.

    My vote is for The Dirty Dozen Brass Band!

  6. Jazz is so not my genre, but I listened and I like The Dirty Dozen Brass Band better! They are just getting really into it, you know? And enthusiasm wins it for me, nearly every time.

  7. You're right, the trombone doesn't get much fanfare, does it? I never really gave the instrument much thought. Thanks for changing that for me! My vote is definitely for the Dirty Dozen's version. It was just a cleaner sound. Great battle!
    Michele at Angels Bark

  8. I'm going with the Dirty Dozen because they have a TUBA! I like the trombone, I love the tuba! Especially on this number, the tuba just adds that je ne sais quoi (I think I spelled it right), that little bit of extra unk in funk.

  9. Cool jazz selection! ☺ I'm going with the Dirty Dozen Brass Band, because I liked their crisp sound better. and yes, the tuba!

  10. I'll take a baker's dozen of the Dirty Dozen Brass Band, please. Favorite Young Man plays the trombone.


  11. OK I am getting sleepy which means I can't recall the band's names(I'm sorry) but I can say I like the first one better (not the live one). They just grooved and really showed their originality with the same melody but in so many different ways. I choose #1

  12. The Meters have a one-man-band sound to them. Liked them.

    However, for the trombone showcase, my vote has to go to Dirty Dozen. Big Sam may have a good sound, in a recording studio, but I really could not distinguish the trombone. It was washed out. I loved the Dirty Dozen, so clear and vibrant.

  13. MIKE ~
    Like everyone else, I'm voting for... (Link:->) Telly Savalas and Clint Walker.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    Girl Wonder's "ten minutes ago?" line was really funny.

  14. Hi, Mike! I'm here as promised. Thanks for your patience. You got to see and hear the Meters perform at the Fest? So cool! I well remember Art Neville's funk band and their first hit "Sophisticated Sissy" which hit the street early in 1969 followed closely by "Cissy Strut." I bought both singles. No doubt about it - the trombone pumps up the funk, and I enjoyed both acts involved in your BOTB presentation today. My vote goes to Lee Marvin's Dirty Dozen because the 'bone is more prevalent and because the audio pick-up is better, making it a more pleasurable listening experience for me.

    Thanks again for visiting SDMM last night, Mike, and enjoy your Tuesday!

  15. Well well well, here I am late for the party thrown in honor of... ME. Doggone it.

    I surely do appreciate the shout-out, Mike, and the excellent snippet of a comment I left you. I'm pretty funny, aren't I???? Well, 1% of the time anyone can be funny, no?

    However, I still color myself surprised that a trombone can drive a piece of music with such flair. I think The Dirty Dozen has stolen your battle this week. They are pretty darn awesome!
