Sunday, June 7, 2015

Battle of the Bands Winner: The Dirty Dozen Bass Band

The Dirty Dozen Brass Band won by a shutout in my Battle of the Band on June 1, 2015. No, I didn't quit my blog over the results. However, I did take a little time off as the real world was a little busy of late.

The song I though about  into the competition was this one featuring Trombone Shorty...

I've seen all three in concert and they are all fun to watch in their own right. However, since the Dirty Dozen Brass Band won in such convincing fashion I think it is only right to share some more of their music.

Here is Big Sam and The Dirty Dozen Brass Band together...

Big Sam used to be in The Dirty Dozen Brass Band before going fourth with his Funky Nation. Here are The Dirty Dozen Brass Band from the 2013 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival with "Blackbird Special"..

Sorry a little late for the post! I will have a few posts up before the next battle. I am planning to be back on the 15th with a Brand New Battle of the Bands. Hopefully it will be a closer battle.


  1. Hi, Mike! Thanks for reporting the BOTB winner. Even though the contest wasn't close it's all good because you turned me on to a couple of trombone bands that I somehow overlooked until now.

    "Can't get enough (I tried...) of that funky stuff."

    Happy Monday, good buddy!

    1. Shady you are spot on. That was the whole point of this battle. Thanks again for visiting.

  2. Interesting to have a shut out! Does this happen frequently? I was attracted to the tuba as well as the trombone. Looking forward to your next battle.

  3. I'm not surprised by the shutout. Dirty Dozen would be a hard outfit to beat no matter what.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Road trippin' with A to Z
    Tossing It Out

  4. Debbie first shutout I have had I believe.
