Sunday, May 31, 2015

"You Belong to Me" Ruby McCollum and Live Oak

It is funny how reviewing music, movies or theatre how a show can connect with you. My latest movie review was set in Live Oak, Florida. I've past through Live Oak several times when I visit my parents in Jacksonville. It is a long and boring drive across all of Northern Florida. I also spent a few days there when I covered the 2011 Wanee Festival. A typical Southern small town. Not much to it. The town appeared old to me and certainly it had some history.

A picture I took of the river which is featured in the film...

I reviewed an excellent documentary about a famous murder that happened in the 1950's in Live Oak called You Belong to Me: Sex, Race and Murder in the South. You can read my review here.

Here is a trailer for the film:

Like I said I imagined the town had history but I never imagined this. However, I did think it was thought provoking considering recent race issues.

Well I will be back soon with another post.

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