Thursday, April 2, 2015

A to Z Challenge: Blue, Great Blue Heron

Maybe at one time these big birds were daytime creatures. Sure, I have seen them many times during  the day. However, I have found them to be my fishing companions in the overnight hours. Maybe they are like people open 24 hours a day. Maybe I was were they come to roost and maybe they liked the company.

They are big birds. Large beaks. They are predators. I have come to discover they are also very intelligent. The one below spent part of the night sneaking around trying to steal some of my bait.

They don't need hand outs as they are quite capable of catching their own meals.

They really don't mind me sticking around and taking pictures of them. All photos were taken by me. What I do when I am not working, booked up with the family, or writing. Just hanging out with birds of a feather!


  1. Wonderful depiction of these gorgeous birds. I love Herons too. I am over at WordPress, Promptly Written:

    Doing a Science Fiction story in the A-Z Challenge. Would love if you could visit.


  2. Beautiful photos - I like the night one too.. spooky eyes.

    We have them around where I live, they are truly spectacular to watch, particularly when they take off for flight.

    Great B post - Have fun with this A to Z Challenge.

    Jenny, Pearson Report
    2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

  3. We visited friends in Naples in 2013 and I saw the Great Blue Heron for the first time. I knew these birds were large, but seeing on person was amazing. I'm a petite gal (5'2") and these things seemed almost as tall as me. I would have my work cut out for me to wrestle one to the ground, I think. lol Fun "B" post!

  4. I see them around here on occasional. There's one stream I drive by and see them in the same spot often.

  5. Here in Florida, I see the birds all the time. When I was a kid, they'd be in the middle of the road and my bus driver had to stop and wait for them to move. lol

    -Chrys Fey
    Tremp’s Troops - A to Z Co-co-host
    Write with Fey

  6. They are so beautiful. My brother has a pair that hangs out at his lakeside house. I was surprised they were so big.

  7. What a huge bird! I'd hate to see one of those walking on the road. :)

  8. I love this bird and they are rare in our area which is such a shame. Love the pictures!

  9. That's great! So much fun to have a fishing companion.

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

  10. Glad to hear they seem like a friendly bunch!

  11. You've got some great photos there.

    I've noticed there's a couple of herons that park themselves on the beach outside my in-laws' house in the same spots almost every night. I really want to try and get a photo of them at some point.

    Cait @ Click's Clan

  12. When we traveled, I was a big birder. Herons were one of my favorites. I like the night shot. I've only ever seen them during the day, so that one is pretty cool.
